Monday, March 8, 2010

Review #7: Liar by Justine Larbalestier

Liar by Justine Larbalestier


I'm not going to post a synopsis for this book because I don't know that I could find or write a synopsis that would adequately explain this book.

The main character in the book is a girl named Micah, who tells you right off the bat that she is a pathological liar. That said, she promises that she is going to tell the truth to you, the reader, because it is important that you understand what happened and that you believe her.

What happened? Well, that's the main mystery of the book. Micah's supposed boyfriend (secret boyfriend actually) was found dead in the park after he had been missing for several days. As the story unfolds, Micah tells you that he was murdered.

The narration is told in Micah's voice in an extremely conversational tone. The plot jumps back and forth between the present and the past, adding to the confusing nature of the story.

I have never read a book before where I doubted everything the narrator told me. It was a fascinating experience as a reader. By the end of the book, I will admit, I really began to doubt everything Micah said because there was just so much about it that wasn't even plausible. And yet...there was a part of me that desperately wanted to believe her.

I highly recommend this book even if you aren't into thrillers or young adult books. It's just a fascinating read.

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